Croatian authorized HSE consultant – Environmental, Safety, Health
Croatian authorized HSE consultant – Environmental, Safety, Health
We are a knowledge-driven consulting firm. In collaboration with customers We work to implement a variety of solutions that deliver businesses more. With a consolidated presence in several European countries, we offer cutting-edge services in industrial risk management consultancy.
Since 2016, LifeLock d.o.o. has been successfully taking care of its partners by conducting business consulting for them in Occupational Safety, Health Protection of employees and customers, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development. Our consultants help ensure that your HSE management activities conform with international standards and drive safety excellence in your company and provide expert advice to help your company design an effective HSE strategy and achieve your HSE goals and objectives.
LifeLock d.o.o. Consulting Company helps to european brands to ensure and maintain process safety compliance by offering actionable testing, consultancy and training solutions. LifeLock HSE Consulting specialises in all health, safety and environmental aspects of business with a key focus on planning, reporting and monitoring.
Our HSE team is made up of experienced experts and associates who have for many years perfected their knowledge and expanded their competences in business activities in environmental protection, occupational safety, health protection in oil and derivatives business, in retail, transport, in the automotive industry, in industry batteries, in construction activities and chemical and biochemical laboratories.
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Business Consulting
- HSE Management System – implementation and upgrade
- Training of the company’s leadership in HSE business as a particularly important factor in the implementation of the management system and the quality system
- Environmental Due Diligence projects, i.e. projects to assess the company’s value from the aspect of environmental protection (degree of land, surface and underground water pollution)
- Preparation and introduction of ISO Standards in larger or smaller companies – ISO 9001, ISO 17025, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, SCC*, SCC**, SCP, SCCP, HACCP
- Implementation of accident investigation and reporting system and root cause analysis system for non-conformity and improvement system (Root Cause Analysis)
- Creation of project documentation for EU funds and grants from the European Union
- Documentation design, environmental impact assessments, environmental protection project feasibility studies
- Preparation of studies on environmental protection related to operations for which no environmental impact assessment obligation is prescribed
- Preparation of documentation related to the procedure for issuing an environmental permit, including the preparation of a basic report
- Creating a risk and sensitivity assessment for environmental components
- Creating a report on the state of the environment
- Creation of remediation studies, programs and remediation reports
- Environmental monitoring
- Advices on food safety and monitoring. Counseling on the quality of nutrition for groups and individuals.
- Representation in legal disputes of labor protection inspections, environmental protection, health protection, sanitary inspections and fire inspections.
Data Analysis
- The process of entering and processing information
- Extrapolation and interpretation of results
- Responsible projection and consulting
- Research
- Expert opinion and problem solving
Sustainable Development
- Creation of business projects in accordance with Sustainable Development
- Energy management system according to HRN EN ISO 50001
- Green office and Green production projects
- Water and energy saving projects
Environmental Protection
- Sustainable waste management
- Planning, monitoring and reporting
- Collection, removal and disposal
- Remediation of contaminated land and groundwater
- Documentation design, environmental impact assessments, environmental protection project feasibility studies
- Supervision of the implementation and management of environmental protection projects, etc.
- Tests in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Croatia (Testing the tightness of cooling systems, testing the properties of waste in accordance with the “Act on Sustainable Waste Management”, soil testing, etc.)
- Sustainable waste management
Safety at Work
- HSE Audits and Internal Audits
- Accident investigations and reporting (Root Cause Analysis)
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Training of employees
- Training of contractors (in the Contractor Management system)
- Creation of documentation:
- RISK ASSESSMENT according to the method prescribed by APPENDIX I of the Ordinance on risk assessment (Official Gazette, No. 112/14) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (Official Gazette 71/14 Official Gazette 71/14, 118/14, 154/14)
- EVACUATION AND RESCUE PLAN and training of responsible persons for carrying out evacuation and rescue according to Art. 55 of the Law on Safety at Work (N. N., no. 71/14., 118/14. and 154/14.)
- FIRE RISK ASSESSMENTS, FIRE PROTECTION PLANS and FIRE PROTECTION RULES based on Article 20 of the Fire Protection Act of the Republic of Croatia (N.N., No. 92/10), Fire Protection Plan Rulebook (N.N., No. 51) /12.), Ordinance on the preparation of risk assessments from fire and technological explosion (N.N., no. 35/94., 110/05. and 28/10.), Ordinance on the content of the general act in the field of fire protection (N.N., no. . 116/11.).
- Preparation for certification and compliance with OHSAS 18001, etc.)
- Creation of Safety and Technical Data Sheets (Croatian STL, English MSDS)
- Tests:
- INVESTIGATION OF THE WORKING ENVIRONMENT in accordance with the Law on Safety at Work (N.N., No. 71/14., 118/14. and 154/14.)
- TESTING OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS (Article 38, Paragraph 2 of the Law on Fire Protection (N.N., No. 92/10), and according to the
- Technical Regulation for Low-Voltage Electrical Installations (N.N., No. 5/10), the obligation to measure each 4 years.)
- INSPECTION OF LIGHTNING PROTECTION INSTALLATIONS (according to the Technical Regulations for Lightning Protection Systems on Buildings (N.N., No. 87/08 and 33/10) and the Law on Standardization (N.N., No. 80/13)
- TESTING OF THE CORRECTNESS OF STABLE FIRE ALARM AND EXTINGUISHING INSTALLATIONS (On the basis of Article 40 of the Ordinance on checking the correctness of a stable fire protection system (N.N., No. 44/12), and in accordance with the Fire Protection Act (N.N., No. 92/ 10.)
- TESTING OF GAS INSTALLATIONS based on the Law on Fire Protection (N.N., No. 92/10.) and the Rulebook on the conditions for checking the correctness of gas installations HSUP (HSUP-P601.111 from November 2011) of gas installations of workplaces, trades and small businesses and gas installations of industrial and measuring-regulating plants and gas boilers.
Health protection of employees and customers and HACCP
- Management of work injuries and occupational diseases
- Food safety, monitoring and chemical and biological analysis of food with expert opinion
- Planning and management of the HACCP system, and employee training
- Health promotion of employees and customers
Croatian authorized HSE consultant contacts:
For more detailed information, please contact us: e-mail: or phone: +385-91-161-85-06