Quality, Health, Safety, Environmental Consulting


Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Food Control


HSE Consulting Croatia-Safety, Environmental protection, Quality QC/QA Advisor

HSE Consulting Croatia-Safety, Environmental protection, Quality QC/QA Advisor

We offer business consulting and trade in protective equipment in Occupational Safety, Health Protection of employees and customers, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development (HSEQ*, HSEQ, EHS). Our team is made up of experienced experts who have been perfecting their knowledge and competences in EHS activities at your core business:

  • Oil&Gas
  • Retail and Wholesale
  • Transport
  • Chemical Industry, Automotive, Battery Production an manufacture
  • Construction
  • Chemical and Biochemical laboratories


1. LifeLock d.o.o. HSE Consulting Croatia Company will help you to improve your results in following activities:

  1. Risk and Change Management
  2. Contractor Safety Management
  3. Design, Construction, Commissioning and Decommissioning
  4. Safe Operations and Work Practices
  5. Health Protection and Promotion
  6. Incident Reporting Investigation System (RCI – Root Cause Analysis)
  7. Emergency Planning Response
  8. Minimum HSE Requirements for Business Unit Operations
  9. Competence and Trainings
  10. HSE Planning and targets
  11. Environmental Management
  12. HSE Requirements Information and Documentation
  13. Product Stewardship
  14. HSE Assurance and Audits
    1. HSE Annual Revision
    2. Managerial Inspection MI
    3. Workplace Inspection WPI
    4. SBO – (Safety Behavior Observation) and BBSO (Behavior Based Safety Observations)
  15. Certification, recertification:
    1. ISO 9001 – Quality management system
    2. EN ISO/IEC 17025 – ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
    3. ISO 45001 – Occupational health and safety management system
    4. ISO 14001 – Environmental management system
    5. ISO 50001/EN 16001 – Energy management system
    6. SCC* (Safety Certificate Contractors) – limited certificate of suppliers for safety at work
    7. SCC* – unlimited supplier certificate for occupational safety
    8. SCP – certificate on the quality of the provision of personnel services (companies that rent employees to other companies in accordance with the law)
    9. SCCP – unrestricted occupational safety supplier certificate for the petrochemical industry
    10. HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) – integrated food safety control system
  16. Social impact of the company (Social impact)
  17. EDD- Environmental Due Diligence: Assessment of the company’s value related to the current and former conditions of the environment (soil, underground and above-ground water) + Soil and Underground Water Remediation
  18. Fire protection


If you need control your partners from Croatia, we are able to make QUALITY CONTROL, SAFETY INSPECTIONS and FOOD ANALYSIS in behalf of you.

Protective equipment, all needed equipment for your industry, safety barriers and fences you may find and buy on our HSE online WEB store.

For more information please contact us by e-mail: info@lifelock.hr or by phone: +385-91-161-85-06